2024 台灣穿山甲 《再次相遇》



記得 我們曾一起自在的優游

記得 我們曾翱翔在天際之處

失憶相聚 分不開彼此的思念

再次相遇 美麗台灣的山林間


2024 Taiwanese pangolin《See each other again》

Artist|Chang Yeh


Remember the time we roamed freely together.
Remember the time we flew high in the sky.
The distance doesn’t separate us. It only makes us miss each other even more.
Let’s see each other again in the beautiful mountains in Taiwan.






Satoyama 12-Public art project


Named for the Satoyama Initiative and referencing the twelve Chinese zodiac signs, the title Satoyama 12 suggests a symbiotic coexistence between humans and nature.
The Satoyama 12 project is an initiative by the CMP Pujen Foundation for Arts and Culture. Local artists from a broad range of disciplines will be invited to present their interpretations of indigenous species and eco-friendly land use through installations displayed across the habitats of creativity in and around the Calligraphy Greenway. Beginning in 2020, the 12-year project aims to celebrate the flourishing symbiosis of art and land in Taiwan.


主辦單位:勤美璞真文化藝術基金會CMP PUJEN Foundation for Arts and Culture