2021 台灣水牛《立竿見影》

經歷了2020年,所有人類都被迫放慢的時期裡,空間與時間被蔓延與分割,整個世界被按下暫停鍵。「立竿見影」是古人以實像形體去觀測虛像時間的方式,轉化這樣脈絡,象徵在一個不安與紛擾的時間裡,以一種東方思維去面對,用自己的方式,穩健、踏實地去度過每一天,安定地面對未知與變化。透過線條的抽象形式,虛向與實向的相互交疊,讓民眾去感 受與參與自己生命中每一個重要的時刻,並重新思考生存的真諦。 


2021 Taiwan Water Buffalo《Gnomon’s Shadow》
Artist|LIU Je-Rong、LIN Sih-Yin
The past year has been challenging. People have been forced to slow down and reshape how they use time and space. The world seems to have pressed pause. 
As the year of the OX rolls in, we have chosen the water buffalo to symbolize the Taiwanese spirit of hard work, tenacity, and the commitment to perfection that the older generation has exuded. Taiwan’s water buffalo also reflects the spirit of those around the Calligraphy Greenway who live life to the fullest each day, no matter how chaotic the world may seem. Ancient people used sundials to tell time using the sun. Shadows would be cast by a sundial’s gnomon, allowing the tangible to define the intangible. Inspired by this ancient human invention,“Gnomon’s Shadow”translates this concept to a modern context, reflecting how people come to terms with turbulent and uncertain times. The changing abstract form created by lines and falling shadows invites viewers to cherish their most important moments and re-contemplate the meaning of life. 



Satoyama 12-Public art project

Named for the Satoyama Initiative and referencing the twelve Chinese zodiac signs, the title Satoyama 12 suggests a symbiotic coexistence between humans and nature.
The Satoyama 12 project is an initiative by the CMP Pujen Foundation for Arts and Culture. Local artists from a broad range of disciplines will be invited to present their interpretations of indigenous species and eco-friendly land use through installations displayed across the habitats of creativity in and around the Calligraphy Greenway. Beginning in 2020, the 12-year project aims to celebrate the flourishing symbiosis of art and land in Taiwan. 

策劃執行:勤美 誠品綠園道